There are 8 days left till Christmas! If you are shopping locally you have 7 days left to shop, if you are cyber shopping you have
5 days if you include today! I still have lots of great inventory in my
Etsy shop to choose from.
If you are concerned about getting things on time, I ship everything USPS Priority mail and have all my packages out the door usually in less than 24 hours. If you order by Monday, December 21st. BEFORE the post office closes here in central time, which I believe is 5pm, I will personally make sure you package gets to the post office that day! Please keep in mind that if you place an order at 4:45pm on the 21st, that doesn't leave me much time to package things up and drive to the post office before it closes. Any orders that come in late on the 21st will be taken to the post office first thing in the morning on the 22nd.
Not always being as organized as I would like to be,(good intentions only get you so far), I have been the girl standing in line at the post office hoping and praying that my packages would get to there destinations on time. Most of the time, I must say they have, despite my lack of planning! Now, I of course can make no guarantees that a package shipped on the 22nd will arrive on time, since once I drop it off, It is out of my control!

For anyone prone to being a super last minute shopper, I would be happy to give you a quote for express mail. No, it's not cheap, but you did wait until the last minutes to shop and the stores really don't have anything left, so you might have to make some concessions! I tend to be home and on-line most days, so if you have questions about any of the items in my shop just send me a covo or e-mail. I can make adjustments to most pieces in my shop, so if something isn't exactly to your liking, just ask.
I hope everyone is having a calm and enjoyable Holiday season! It is very easy to get all caught up and get stressed out about shopping and family and such. I will do my best here at
Juniper Gems to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. If things get too bad, have an extra cookie, everyone needs a reason to make their New Years resolution's!