Bob with his sweet little new baby. She is as cute as can be! What is it about puppies that is so irresistible? She is getting used to her new surroundings and fellow critters. Quinn was,as expected, a little too enthusiastic for her. Daisy our tabby cat came in took one curious look at her and left the room, hasn't been seen since.
After all of her new introductions it was time for a nap, this was just the first of several. It's really hard work being a cute little baby!
Upon waking we set out to explore the great outdoors,aka, our poorly neglected back yard! She had fun frolicking in the grass, but was a bit slow on the part where you use this as an opportunity to go potty. She managed to do that inside three times in the course of a few hours but seemed to get better once we started catching her signals better.Bob fed her some food in the early evening and I had a hard time getting a picture of her since it was a full on feeding frenzy! She eats like a little piggy!
She loves to play with all the toys Bob bought her. Really likes her little bone and tiny tennis ball. It's so cute to watch her pounce on the ball! After keeping them apart for the first few hours, we put Quinn and Freyja back together and they did much better. She was even trying to play with him a little. He wasn't too sure about it all. He was glad to be in the room with her, but I think uncertain as to what to do with her.All that excitement wore her out again, and it was time for yet another nap! I'm certain I will have more updates on our puppy adventures in the days and weeks to come!
Friday, April 10, 2009
She's Here!!!! Our New Puppy Update!!!
A Little Taste Of Spring...
I finally got outside today to take some photos for my Etsy shop. It was neither sunny nor raining for a short time, so I took advantage of the moment. I'd post some teasers of whats up and coming, but I haven't finished editing them yet.
My photo assistant Quinn, who is always there to help me. (he even re-adjusts things for the pictures some times.) After we got done taking pictures he got a bath!!! This only happens a couple of times a year, but I thought he should look his best with the new puppy coming tomorrow! I used that furminator thing on him first. I can't say that he is terribly fond of it, mostly tolerates the brushing, but it sure does work! The kitty on the other hand loves the furminator! She purrs the entire time you are brushing her with it. I gave her a good brushing, and clipped her claws to make her a little less of a threat to the new puppy. I think she knows that something is up, she's been sniffing around the new kennel we bought and keeping her eye on it. I think she did the math... one more kennel means....
I cleaned the carpets so we have a fresh start at puppy training. I know there will be accidents, but it really needed it, and since Basil had multiple seizures, losing control of his bodily functions as a result, I wanted to give the area a good cleaning so the puppy didn't think that was the indoor potty spot! I am sure I will have pictures and an update sometime this weekend on all the new puppy excitement! I will try and get some new things listed in my Etsy shop this weekend, and yes, the spring clearance sale is still plugging along! I don't think I will be leaving the listings up on sale much longer, I will probably be removing them altogether from my shop in the near future. So, if you were considering one of the clearance items, they won't be available much longer.
Posted by Audrey Charlton at 12:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: Basil, etsy shop, kitty, puppy, quinn, spring clearance sale