Friday, February 20, 2009

Does Starbucks Have a Treatment Center Or Support Group?

I just got done paying the bills, I put it off as long as possible, only to have a pile of debit receipts a mile high to enter into the check register. I noticed a trend while I was performing this tedious task, there were quite a number of Starbucks receipts. I will admit that I did contribute a few, but the majority belonged to another member of this household. I am beginning to wonder if I should look into some type of out-patient treatment program or a possible support group. At the very least I think we should look into buying stock, since we would be supporting our own interests that way.

Bob did just win a bunch of gift certificates to Starbucks from a local radio station, they are only for the new line of tea lattes, which he will drink, and they expire on February 28th 2009, so we have to use them up quickly. I feel I will have a tea/caffeine charged weekend ahead of me. Thank goodness they now have a drive through close by. I put on a hat to hide the unwashed state of my locks, get into my cozy slippers, throw my Quinn, trusted golden retriever, go with guy, companion extraordinaire, in the car, and off we go. The gals in the drive through are usually so enamored by Quinn they don't even notice the mess that I am...

You can check in with my shop later this weekend to see what all that caffeine may have accomplished..

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