It's taken me months to get it all together, But I am finally open for business. I may take longer than the average bear, but I like to have things as well prepared and thought out as possible.
It also seems like everything you set out to do takes three times longer than you thought it would. I just bought some lights from home depot, one doesn't work. Now, I have to take the time to go back to the store and get another one! I ordered boxes and forms from the post office online, they sent the wrong forms. Being that it's the post office, I wasn't blown away with surprise at the error, but once again, something that will have to be remedied.

Today I was finally successful at taking pictures of my bracelets made with natural brass. So far all attempts have fallen short. I think these came out quite nice. So much of this is a learning process for me. Yesterday I downloaded a font, got it put into the right file and managed to get it into word so I can use it! Quite a feat for the severely computer challenged, like myself! I even did a happy dance for Emily. She laughed, Yet another success, considering she's 14yrs old and borderline schizophrenic.
I keep playing with this blog trying to figure out how to put more stuff on here. I will get it all down eventually. Either that or throw the computer across the room. That could be expensive....

Its really nice.... i was just browsing and i got ur blog nice.keep posting i would like to know more ..
Thanks for leaving a comment. I am working hard at getting my etsy site up and running. The web address is
I will try to get more info posted here soon. Check out etsy, it's a really cool place.
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