Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lima Bean Turns 15!!!!

I meant to do this post weeks ago, being that I was sick for a good three weeks, it has taken me a while to get back in the swing of things. While I was in the throws of my lovely sickness, my beautiful Lima Bean, as she was affectionately referred to while I carried her inside of me, turned 15! This photo was taken on her first birthday. The very next day she broke out from head to toe in the chicken pox... poor honey. She has always been a pleasant person and has a great deal of compassion for others. We are very proud of the person she has become and know that she will continue to grown into a fantastic adult. I don't know how this all happened so fast. It seems like she was just turning 5 a few years ago. It seems like you blink and they grew up on you.

She has been sporting this head of curls since she was about 18 months old. She is less than appreciative of it now, but it is still the one thing people compliment her on most! I tell her all the time, people pay good money to try an achieve what you been given by nature. She just cranks up the straightening iron!!!

I suppose she has the best of both worlds since you can see from her latest picture, taken this fall, during her freshman year at high school, she has mastered the art of straightening. No one would ever know from this picture she has curly hair! She is enjoying the social aspects of her freshman year more than the academics, but I can't say I was any different. She is taking art and french, both of which she loves! Some days she can be a teenage handful, but I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world! I just adore my little Lima Bean! Now I just have to come to terms with the fact that she can get her drivers permit!!!!


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