Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Head Hurts!

Just when you start to get on a roll and get things going, it always seems like there is something waiting in the wings to try and derail your efforts. For me it's my migraine headaches. They are a frequent occurrence in my life. One that I am fairly well armed to deal with given the plethora of expensive pharmaceuticals available to me to take care of these brain splitting wonders. Even with medical insurance I still pay a pretty penny to rid myself of this pain. The meds work most of the time, but not all of the time. Herein lies the problem. I am on my second dose of migraine meds, enough to put down an African elephant, and given the fact that I am not a very large person, this is a lot of medication! I have also tried my back up pain med's, which have done nothing. It kind of feels like a big waste of money since now I have ingested the maximum migraine medication I can take in a day and I still have a significant headache. I thankfully am not to the point of heading off to the local ER for a shot of pain medication. That is a trip I really dislike, since it usually takes forever, ends up costing a bit even with insurance and my body dose not like the pain meds at all!

I really thought I was going to be able to get somethings done this week! I could have taken pictures today, it was beautiful outside, but the sunshine was too bright for my head. I went out for a bit to run some errands , and by the time I got home my head was pounding worse than it was when I left! I have a couple of projects I really want to get finished up and I really want to get out in that darn garage so I can organize and make room for my lampworking table!!! I need to melt some glass! Headache or not! I've been away from a torch way too long!

OK, I just needed to rant and rave about my head! No one really needs to listen or read this, I just needed to say it out loud! If you read this far, thanks for listening! Hopefully I will have more new listings trickling into my Etsy shop as the week progresses. My in-laws are visiting next week, so I may not have as many listings while they are here,I want to enjoy their company, I really like them!


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